Just got £250 of last years premium

My insurance is due for renewal very soon and Sky came back with a silly quote at almost £200 more than what my TT was.
Well I told them that I was going to shop around as the £640 quote I was given was ridiculous. Well I didn’t bother and decided not to bother insuring the car.

After a few days Sky phoned me again to ask if I wanted to renew and I said no because of the stupidly high price. After a bit of a discussion the nice Sky bloke said he would have a word with the under writers and phone me back. Well he phoned me back with a £250 discount if I renewed there and then, so I did. Result I think :smiley:

The moral of the story is if you think you are being over charged, speak to your insurance company you never know they may well shift a little or a lot in my case :wink:

my renewal was quoted at £617 with aviva,

spoke to sky because they kept ringing me, and they quoted £511,

but, by taking it out there and then i got it for £490,

so an overall saving of £127 :bandance:

Aplan quoted £569 with the 19" rims (was the only mods on the car last year)

Full everything - ticked all the boxes they had :wink:

Disclosed ALL the mods - (Air filter, FPR, injectors, MAFT-pro, intercoolers etc etc - asked the power, i said about 400) they then spoke to the underwriters - added £30 to the policy!

They have always given me a rather good quote :slight_smile:
