Well work had been getting more quiet and the last week i had really done nothing. So today I got called in the office and I got made rendunant, Was sort of expecting it cos you dont employ someone to just sit there doing nothing.
Anyway it was good news for me as now i am going to set up business in moding cars and bikes. I have got a enterprise pack from bolton council and am well on my way now to hopefully making the big step in to my own company.
best of luck buddy, Emma was just made redundant 6 weeks ago :roll: , and now they have since made another 5 more !!
Enjoy running your own bussiness, Its far more rewarding working your arse off for your own benifit, did it for 12 years and will be doing it again soon enough…
good luck dann ,hope it all goes well
i can see myself going that direction soon aswell,all the building sites up here are coming to a halt as the houses are not selling and i dunno where ill be in a months time,there seems to be a big hush hush on the building trade just now if it was a factory with 100 workers getting payed off it would be on the news.things dont look good in the uk just now.
i was also thinking of getting into making and selling items for tartin up the cars but whos gonna buy the stuff if we all have no cash
emigration game
Good luck Dann if I can help in any small way you know how to contact me.
As I recall you personally gave my company the best service possible, today this is so important and it is a relatively easy way to gain an edge on the competition.