Last post column

Is it just me or has the last post column on our site’s homepage stopped showing the true last post.
For example, if you look at the first section titled “Announcements”, it states that Craig made the last post but if you open the latest topic, it’s Silverfox who not only started the topic but made the last post as well.
Must be the bad weather that has driven me to noticing such trivial things—note to self-----“get out more”

Try hitting shift key + refresh, says Silverfox on mine :smiley:


Thanks for the reply Mark.
Got a strange thing that i did’nt notice before and i’ll try to explain it as best as i can.
Just down from top left of homepage, just above the blue band with GTOUK on it are three lines.
Top line is date and time of last visit to site, next line is date and time now and third line is blue GTOUK Forum.

My top line shows my last visit as being June 18th 2011 and the second line shows time as ----- June 18th 2011.
If i click on the third line in blue, it resets itself to the correct time and date and the time and date of my last visit also changes correctly.
At the same time, the last post that i mentioned in my initial enquiry changes correctly to Silverfox as you have said yours shows.
But if i close the page down and re-visit the site later, it reverts back to showing June 18th 2011 for the first two lines again, and Craig showing as last post.
Could’nt find a refresh button that you mentioned.
Why am i living in the past when i have gone onto the site nearly every single day???