Lets raise some money for a great cause!

Hiya guys…

I been trying to think of a way to help Warren at Kai Performance raise more money for the brilliant charity they support. A good charity that is close to my heart as i have had they use of one similar for my family too…

So this is what ive come up with whilst starting my 2000 mile road trip…

I was watching the miles tick away and suddenly thought :idea:

What if loads of people pledged to donate 1p per mile i do this week ?? I will be covering anywhere from 1500-2000 miles, So at worst you will only have to part with £20, and to be fair that is nothing compared to the money we can waste on one night at the pub.( i know we would prefer to spend it on beer :stuck_out_tongue: )

Emma and i will start it off with 1p each per mile i do this week. NO money is to come to me or Warren, You will donate it DIRECTLY to the charity via thier website.


The best part of it is nobody will actually know if you do or dont make the donation after i put up my final miles next week, However live with your own guilt if you dont :twisted: I will tell you how many miles i covered next Sunday night when i get back home…

So come on guys and gals… lets have a big shove here for a ■■■■■■ good cause…

  1. Elton 1p per mile
    2 Emma 1p per mile
    3 Davebates 2p per mile

stick me down for 2p/mile.(solong as you don’t suddenly decide to go off round europe)

Excelent idea Elton.


is that 2000 miles including a ride down to brans hatch next sat ??

I wish i could finish there to tie it all together, but i will still be in Lake district coming home on Sunday evening,…

Thanks for Support Dave… 8)

Any more up for it ?

Day one yesterday and coverd 430 miles on one tank :shock:
Day 2 and about to set off on a few more sight seeing trips and then to meet up with Ad087 and paul just over the Forth bridge…Tomorrow we off to Inverness and the Johno’ Groats the following day…

the roads here are just beyond belief, there is a road called the A68 that is just the UK version of ‘The Ring’ for me, awesome views and weather been spot on so far.

We have taken shed loads of pics too.

This will prob be last day with access to pc so please please guys lets try drive this and get some more names on the list…

Thanks so much

Oh, go on then penny a mile like you :slight_smile:

elton asked me to give an update on his trip round scotland and back home so after meeting up with him in livingstone last night and having a good natter. i will also donate 1p per mile to the cause :wink:
come on guys get the names down.
he has now covered 760 miles and is staying in inverness tonight and heading off to john o groats tommorow.

  1. Elton 1p per mile
    2 Emma 1p per mile
    3 Davebates 2p per mile
    4 scoob 1p per mile

I have edited the title of this thread to reflect (and hopfully get more money) the meaning of this thread.

Well done Elton, keep those miles rolling along…


Elton this is awesome…I cant thank you enough.

nice thought Elton :praise: could you put me in for 2p a mile ,enjoy your trip mate ,pity im at work i would have enjoyed meeting you all
all the best

Hey guys,

Just a 2 min update while i can find an internet cafe

We are now in Oban and have done 1500 miles… The GTO is A GOD and has returned an average of 420 miles to the tank and a total overall 28mpg. That is uphill and downhill all day at 80mph through many a mountain pass. Car has not missed a beat so far and has required zero maintance apart from her regular top up of 97 :lol:

Thanks so much to the few who have donated to this good cause Wazza has going. Please guys lets get some more names down.

NOT one penny of this goes to me or Wazza, the donations will be paid direct to the organisation via cheque from yourselves. Have aprox 500 miles left before we return on Sunday night. We are off to the Lake District tomorrow for 2 nights and then the trip back home.

I cannot describe the journey we have had, Driving for 8-10 hours a day and still getting out of car feeling as if we had only done 10 miles. Views are breath taking and i know photos will do it no justice. We have now taken over 300 pics :shock:

Will update next on Monday after a few hours kip…

Take it easy and once again please please get some more names up !!!


Well we have made it back in one piece.

We have covered a total of 2136 miles in 8 days.

Thanks to the few who have put thier names down, Please send a cheque off to the value of £21.36 each or as in generous Daves and Mo’s case £42.72 each. So that should be a total of £170.88 for a good cause. Well done guys.

the details are on the link in a few posts up.

Will do a bit of a detailed write up with pics soon. Need some snooze first !!



Save some of the write up for the news letter…



Save some of the write up for the news letter…


Just Pm’d Tracie to see if i had missed cut off date ?
Cheers dave

had to pay mine to thier online donation thing as im offshore at the minute
mentioned your efforts and milage you guys put in and and what sparked off the charity effort in the first place good on you fast bikes and your lass hope you had a crackin trip :stuck_out_tongue:

not got those pics up yet elton :? did you have a good trip.
just take my donation off the money that you owe me for the filter mate :wink:

[quote]not got those pics up yet elton :? did you have a good trip.
just take my donation off the money that you owe me for the filter mate :wink:

Hey Scoob,

Still uploading the pics onto pc at the mo, took nearly 400 pic’s :shock:
Trip has left me near speechly and i have just typed up a lenghty article for the news letter if its not too late.
Pm me you paypal address and i will sort out filter. Will do balance via cheque with mine and Emma’s money tmorrow.

Thanks for everything buddy


You donated : £ 21.36

Plus Gift Aid : £ 6.02

To the charity : RMHC - Ronald McDonald House Charities

Your donation reference is : D9903569


Doing it online is better because you can giftaid it. Then they get an extra 6 quid, as above.

[quote]You donated : £ 21.36

Plus Gift Aid : £ 6.02

To the charity : RMHC - Ronald McDonald House Charities

Your donation reference is : D9903569


Top man Ian,

Thanks so much for sticking too it.


That is all amazing. Thank you so very much on behalf of Kai Performance and the Ronald Mcdonald House


You donated : £ 42.72

Plus Gift Aid : £ 12.05

To the charity : RMHC - Ronald McDonald House Charities

Your donation reference is : D9945474

All done mate…
