Logging into the forums

Morning all,

Most of the time i have to log in twice to get access, I will enter my details once, and then i’ll be returned to the forum home page and have to click ‘log in’ again.

This is the same on my pc and laptop at home, and also my pc at work.

I always get in the second time, but just seems a bit odd. Anyone else have this problem?


Make sure you use gtouk.ORG.uk and not co.uk.


cool, works a treat.

everyday’s a school day. :slight_smile:

cheers James

Seems to be a common problem which I have personally experienced. Not sure why we still have the co.uk address?


To stop other people getting it. :slight_smile:

Fair enough. How easy is it to put a redirect page on the co.uk page? Might be an idea.
