MARCH Nottingham Meet

Good to see a few familiar faces and a new face I’d not seen before.

I thought the clutch was being funny as soon as I set off from home and it bit really low and I almost stalled it, and sure enough when I went to set off home after the meet, no clutch pedal. No fluid in the master cylinder, but still wet. :evil:

Thankfully, Mike ran me to the nearest garage and I picked up some fluid, checked all over the car with me torch to see if I could see any fluid, including the drivers footwell, and nothing to be found, anywhere.

So I re-fitted the Y and rear turbo inlet pipe, topped up with what seemed like only a couple of caps full of fluid and within a couple of presses I had my gears back and the fluid level stayed put. Rolled the car back to find the smallest (dessert spoon) of fluid on the ground.

Journey home was fine, tried not to use the clutch pedal too much though and checked the fluid in the reservoir when I got back and it was as I left it. The clutch behaved perfectly, hmmm.

I think I must have the smallest of leaks near the slave cylinder, which hopefully is just a loose connection, and today it just got below the minimum line in the master cylinder and then just started sucking in air.

The car has had new slave cylinder, braided line and release bearing - and the master cylinder area was as dry as a bone. I did have concerns that even after topping up with fluid it would need bleeding, but it feels 95% OK.

Big Thanks to Mike for helping me out with the transport, tools and torch holding… I owe you a pint of Guinness. :wink:

No worries Andy, glad ya got back ok. After the story i told about my hamfisted mechanical attempts im surprised i was allowed hold the torch let alone hand a screwdriver over :lol: :lol: :lol:
