MARCH Nottingham Meet

Ok folks i want suggestions, i want ideas, i want locations I want our attendance back to what it was when we started last year…

I want… I want…

I was thinking of meeting at the White Post Farm on the A614 Nottingham-Doncaster Road…just a thought…very nice location and quite a scenic drive to get there too which would make a change. Evenings are getting longer too 8),-1149300,3732312315463330564&li=lmd&z=14&t=m

HELP ideas please

As usual date is set for the last thursday in the month which by coincidence will make it the



Are you going to lead a tour of the petting zoo and then across the road to the playground Mike?

On a serious note it should make a good location Mike


[quote]Are you going to lead a tour of the petting zoo and then across the road to the playground Mike?

So long as they dont pet me i will lead them anywhere they want to go :shock: :lol: :lol:

Nice upmarket venue for a change, nice location too. Whats not to like :lol: Will check out the car park space this weekend and see if we need to reserve tables/spaces.

This location may open up our catchment area to the East a bit more.


Count me in :smiley:


I’ll be there. By the way the Nurseryman should be reopening on the 20th March according to the sign outside.

I used to work near there, at Eakring!

I’m still on shutdown at work then, but me and Becky should be able to make it there for a bite to eat in the evening 8) :smiley: . What time were you thinking of meeting up Mike?


Oh folks the usual bump for this meet as its getting closer :wink:

Meet say 7.30 as usual?

Lovely spot, i took a spin out there last night.



1 Mike & Anna
2 Mark & Al?
3 Julian & Diane?
4 Homer & Marge?
5 Silverfox

I can’t make it now I’m afraid. :frowning:

I have to take Kathrin down to Rochester to see her friends, and despite begging, pleading and moaning about it, she was unable to arrange it at another time. Still at least I get to drive the car down there :slight_smile:

Will see you all at the next one, hope it goes well and disappointed not to be able to make this one.


PS. Nurseryman has reopened, I’ll check it out and let you know if it’s changed much.

I will be there as a single person on this occasion, always happy to play the gooseberry :smiley: Diane has to look after her kids.


I won’t be able to make this one because of working the night shift :frowning:

I’m back in the swing of things I’ll be turning up in my shitbox Xsara :slight_smile:

Just a question Mark.
Wouldn’t a weekend or Friday nights be better for people?
Looking from a selfish point of view :wink: I like a few others work nights and can’t make it during the week but would love to pop down/up every now and then.

Just a question and wondered what others think :!:

After all we don’t want numbers to go down hill if you did change it.

I will be at the meeting, but I agree surely a weekend is better for most people, certainly is for me.


Weekday evenings were first voted in as most people come summer get enough car events over weekends to do them a lifetime. Most monthly ongoing meets are on weekday evenings. It kinda frees up the weekends for those that will have had enough of peering under bonnets, there is only so many brightly coloured rocker covers a person can take!
A weekend event will also be disrupted severly from April through to September as all the big events take up the weekends. I know i for one generally attend 90% of the bigger shows, and prob would prefer a quiet Thursday night affair for a local meet, some food, a shandy bit of banter and away. No major fuss!
Ask any monthly meet event organiser :wink:

Now if its a general concensus to go for a weekend then we will obviously re hash the Nottingham Monthly meet set up?

Im always on the scrounge for different ideas for this event as it tends to draw better attendance if there is something different happening.

So thoughts and ideas please, after all this is what the forum is for.


time to :carwash:

in other words BUMP :lol:

Is rain likely to stop play, or dampen the numbers? My car is going to get filthy in a bit as I have to go up to Wakefield on the A1, so getting a bit more dirt on it to go to this meet isn’t too much of an issue. :lol:

Clearing up here Andy, doubt any damp will put us off :lol: it could be worse it could be a black car :stuck_out_tongue:


Hosepipe and sponge out imminent. :wink:

hosepipe and sponge session complete. mmmm mm.

Sorry guys, I won’t be making this. I’m still at work :cry: .
