Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year To You All

Just thought I would take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

And to also thank all of you who have bought from us and make this year such a success, even with the horrendous move at the beginning.

Even though we are in recession we will be bringing you some real good tuning stuff next year and at affordable prices too, so watch out for an announcement later in January.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank some people who without their help this year would have been more difficult.

Peter and Robert Wheatly for their help in constructing the offices when we first moved into our new unit and peter’s subsequent help whilst he was searching for a new job.

Paul Jarvis for his help this year especially as I don’t pay him……lol
Yet has managed to build GTO TT from bits, lying around the unit. I must get some better security…lol

And to everyone who help me in anyway during this year and i have forgotten to mention you…

The Essex Meet Mob who have brought tears to my eyes each month with the sarcasm and crazy things you lot do
Especially Ghetto Potter, as he takes so much stick off me each month and still manages to laugh with us…… You’re a star Michael !!

Have a good one guy’s and be safe…

Best wishes to you all


best wishes rob ,have a good one :party:


Have a great christmas you and yours 8)

have a great christmas with all my money i gave you this year… also dont forget them side lights next week :stuck_out_tongue: