My Kids are breeding like rabbits

They say things come in three’s… 5.30pm this evening I became a Granddad for the third time
in just over a year… My daughter Susie has just had a baby girl Lily Anne weighing 6lb.4oz.

Both are doing well :smiley:

Congratulations matey!

Does that mean you need to start looking at buying a vauxhall zafira or similar now to fit everyone in lol :lol:

Congratulations :smiley:


Congratulations! My first grandchild is coming the middle of June. I take it Susie was not involved in the other 2?

Congratulations Alan----don’t any of your children own television sets :wink: :wink: :wink:

Congratulations to you all!!!

Congratulations for the 3rd time :slight_smile:

…are there any more on the way?!

congrats mate


Awwwww bless! Glad they are both doing well!

Congrats to you and your family fella 8)


Craig :slight_smile:

Really chuffed for you buddy, as said already, congrats.

[quote]Congratulations! My first grandchild is coming the middle of June. I
take it Susie was not involved in the other 2?[/quote]

Yes this is Susie’s second girl in 13 months not counting the 9 months she was pregnant with the
first. My son Oliver and his wife Ao who’s Thai had a little girl 7 weeks ago.

[quote]Congratulations Alan----don’t any of your children own television sets :wink:
:wink: :wink:[/quote]

They do but both my son and son-in- law say wearing one makes it almost impossible. :shock: :?

[quote]Congratulations for the 3rd time :slight_smile:

…are there any more on the way?![/quote]

Not that I know of but don’t count the chickens before they’re hatched :roll:

Thanks to all of you for your posts and well wishes… Susie wasn’t so good today as she lost allot
of blood and thought she would be coming home tomorrow but looks a bit doubtful now.