New pet in the house today

well after so much bad news in the last 2 years ( 4 deaths in the family plus 3 close mates) we finaly have some good news.

We picked up our new addition to the family today. He is a 7 week old Jack Russel that is as mad as a hat and will fit in well at this mad house.

Heres a few snaps of him in the garden.

Hi Elton.

That’s one cute pup. Love the 4th down, giving a cheesey grin for the camera. I take it he get on with snakes. :shock: LOL.


nice one elton :wink: there great dogs and can they jump :shock: youll be into cooking fish dishes next(rick stien) :lol:

A fresh new life…happy for you all elton hes a cracker 8)

very sweet… :smiley: