Another thought, a few of you are organising regional meets (me included). How about a short paragraph-sort of regional news, where you meet, how many turn up, what you do—note form is OK I can edit it.
If Rob (GSXRKID) doesn’t wish to, I will knock something together about the next South East meet (last Tuesday of the month - so next week).
Also, we have the Bolney Jap Car meet coming up this Saturday, and as long as I go (assuming car is still on the road) I will try to do something for that as well.
Just a thought me and my Dad had yesterday, would it be a good idea to have an Alternative Ride ( :lol: ) section as i know there are a quite a few people in the club running other beasts. Maybe they could send you a couple of pics and a spec and the committee could pick one each newsletter.
Thanks for all this guys. Alternative rides sounds like a good idea so if any-one wants to contribute send an e-mail to the shared mailbox. I should be doing an owner and car profile-think I have some-one lined up for that. Just need a short technical item some sort of ‘how to do’.