Perhaps a different stance should be taken? maybe looking through the garage and requesting certain members submit an article on certain things they have done or how they have got to where they are. Perhaps if recently updated items are selcted from the garage people may feel more motivated a. to write them as it will still be fresh in their mind and b. more prestigious being invited to write to for the newsletter.
[quote]Perhaps a different stance should be taken? maybe looking through the garage and requesting certain members submit an article on certain things they have done or how they have got to where they are. Perhaps if recently updated items are selcted from the garage people may feel more motivated a. to write them as it will still be fresh in their mind and b. more prestigious being invited to write to for the newsletter.
What do you think?[/quote]
Good point Gavin, but as Steve has said, the articles do not have to be GTO/ car related. There must be quite a few people here who have done something with ther lives, maybe pursued an obscure sport, or holiday adventure. People have mishaps in their lives–both funny and serious–the range of subjects is endless and there must be many who have experienced them—just get thinking guys and gals–it’s our club and our newsletter–which should be about US and not just our cars
[quote]Perhaps a different stance should be taken? maybe looking through the garage and requesting certain members submit an article on certain things they have done or how they have got to where they are. Perhaps if recently updated items are selcted from the garage people may feel more motivated a. to write them as it will still be fresh in their mind and b. more prestigious being invited to write to for the newsletter.
What do you think?[/quote]
I can see your idea is a good one in theory, and thanks for putting in the effort to think about it, but, in our experience, even if we’ve just asked people to do a write-up about an event, it’s not often forthcoming as some people tell us they are just not comfortable putting pen to paper like that, or have the time maybe.
Now it’s been mentioned though, maybe this will jog some memories of people that have done things and prompt a little something to be sent in.
We will try and put something together about the Essex Meet for you along with some nice Hi rez Pictures and send it to you on a CD in word to resize etc…
We will try and put something together about the Essex Meet for you along with some nice Hi rez Pictures and send it to you on a CD in word to resize etc…
Cheers Rob[/quote]
Do what?! :lol: :lol:
Im just not comfortable putting pen to paper like that, or have the time- pick a excuse and use it for me :lol: :lol: :lol:
No seriously, I’m sure we can come up with something- Ive been meaning to write up something for ages anyway but tbh its the last thing I think about in my spare time! :oops: