Next Scottish Meet

Ok guy’s, just wondering when we should have the next Scottish meet for 2010?
I know Clan Japan is organising a rolling road day at the beginning of the year… Anyone interested or have other ideas?


i think we should wait till march or there abouts ewan.theirs a few more members cropping up just now so it would be good to get them to join in on a meet somewhere good to see new faces instead of the usual suspects,no offence :lol: then we could get a bigger table in the pub for lunch :wink:



Save the cars from the salt!


yeah i should be up for a wee meet up just as long as weather not that good or im out on bike instead lol.

cool mate :smiley: so a damp warmish day for you then :lol:
usually we meet up on sundays so we’ll try for a sunday in march/april.

damps ok i will have car but first sign of warmish dry day and the bikes coming out lol
so where do you normaly meet up?

the last time we met in livingston at the deer park,because elton was up doing his rd trip of scotland,other thatn that its been aberdeen and a blast out the back rds .
perth would be pretty central for most of us i think ,no uless theres somewhere else. need to see who else we can get interested and where their coming from.

Yes, was think of central like Perth… I need someone to show me the country roads from there though!

all youll see is dust ewan ,haha :wink:

Is anyone keen for a Scottish meet sometime?


I might be tempted - my first meet! However, my wife recently had a wee boy, so I’ll need to ask nicely for a day pass :wink:

If I’m in the country at the time of any arrangement will defo be up for it, any ideas on location? A blast across some country roads and a BBQ at a castle somewhere?

Aberdeen :smiley: :lol:

Seriously I was thinking of Perth area as that is central for most. But I’m not very familiar where to go there…


I’m out in Inverurie but anywhere beteeen John O Groats and Gretna is fine by me… Glamis castle is pretty near perth…

Hi I have just joined and I stay in Fife - have I missed the Scottish meet?

No, we’ve not officially set a date and time… If you want to put something in stone, just start a new post with a date and time :wink:


Sounds good… I take it that it would be ok turning up with a few GTO’s there…

Yeah guys that would be great.

How about Sunday 8th August at Glamis castle, if this is ok for people?

I’ll enter it in the future events…

ill be at totb :wink: