There will be no March meeting this month, however the plan is to go to the RWYB (Run What Ya Brung) day at the Shakespeare County Raceway in Warwickshire on the 4th of April.

Details of this event can be found in the Future events section here:

Myself Julian and Sprite will be going and we’d like to invite all of you that would normally come to the meet to join us there.

It’s less risky than burning someone off at the lights (although of course I’m sure none of you would engage in that sort of anti-social behavior) and it is a lot of fun, even if you only watch and don’t run.

So if you haven’t been to a track to see what your car can do this is an ideal opportunity to see how fast your car can go and all without worrying about speed limits! 8)

Any questions just post or PM me :smiley:
