Nottingham meet 31/05/2009 ( Sunday )

Well as our May meet falls at the end of Spring bank week & people being away the previous weekend & also during that week ( myself & Diane included ) we come back on the Saturday, what about having the meet on the Sunday instead of the usual Saturday :roll: Usual place, White post Inn. Let me know if Sunday is not good. Been a good turnout so far this year, lets see if we can keep it up :smiley:

White Post Inn
Ollerton Road
Farnsfield, Newark, NG22 8HN
01623 882215


My last drive in the GTO before my op, ill be down for this, should be good with it being a sunday, nice sunday roast :D.

Sunday is better for me and Nat as I’ve got an appointment with a mountain on the Sat 8)

Here’s me thinking that I’d end up missing this one, you must be psychic… or should that be psychotic? :lol:


I spoke too soon…

Louth hopsital called this morning to tell me my op has been put forward to the 27th…so im out :frowning:

Looks like the Rising Sun show is gonna be my last meet for a while :frowning:

sunday suits me fine, I’ll not have been back long from the states, so the extra day will mean I’m less jet lagged. Swine flu anyone? cough :slight_smile:

Can we put Dan on a table on his own… in the beer garden? :lol: :lol:



Can we put Dan on a table on his own… in the beer garden? :lol: :lol:


Consider it done. :wink:


I’m back and no Swine Flu symptoms yet. Sadly whislt I was away the GT’s MOT expired so I will be in my SEAT as I can’t get the GT MOTed before next wednesday. I also think it will fail as I haven’t got new tires for it yet. I hope Mitsubishi have some spare. I really need to be more organised.