Old site info & category selection problem on tablet

Whats hapening to the old forums and information on it?

This new site dont seem to be very tablet friendly trying to use the category tab which at the moment says uncategorized yet soon as i tap it the drop down box opens then dissapears straight away

Will look into that and get back you @DeanMarkTaylor

Hi @cantfindthegenepool

Thanks for the bug report.

I assume this is category selector that is displayed when creating a new post?

yup :slight_smile:

Thanks for the confirmation.

Regarding the old site - there is a shutdown and migration plan being formulated.
Is there something specific you are worried about being shutdown or gotten rid of?

Just all the technical stuff as thats the most important i think

also noticed typing this out the black box above where the reply is entered is covering some of the writing up and if you try to scroll the text down to read it the thread in the backround moves up and down instead

What is the make and model of tablet you are using?

forgot to add that soweee :smiley:

1st gen asus nexus 7 :slight_smile:

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Pretty sure I can get my hands on one of those in a couple of days. I will do some testing when I can.

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