On The Road Again!

**Met up with the guys at the South West Car Show today and a stunning car was sat on the GTOUK stand :slight_smile:

Oh yes… Off the ramp!.. Mark (MAS) brought his car along. Awesome looking and sounded so sweet. Fantastic job :lol:

Wonder if Sumiyaka can do the same sort of refit on the driver though :twisted:

Trouble is… now it’s off the ramp what the hell are we going to take the mickey out of him about now :shock:


must agree dave very nice looking car ,but as for the driver there mechanics not miracle workers

It’s getting there, not too bad though considering it was built at week-ends and evenings.

Mark. :slight_smile:


The car or the driver?

:twisted: **

Must be for the car, the driver took years of bakers working hard day and night to supply enough doughnuts and chocolate cakes to make Mark :lol: :lol: (not that I can talk :smiley: )

Car looks good Mark and certainly turned some heads.

So where’s the pics :roll:
I bet you’re glad you finally got it back on the road Mark :smiley:

ps, I won’t try and crack any jokes, I got in trouble last time :lol: :lol:

There will some pics coming soon, when my mate gets them off his camera, it does look stunning! :smiley:


[quote]So where’s the pics :roll:
I bet you’re glad you finally got it back on the road Mark :smiley:

ps, I won’t try and crack any jokes, I got in trouble last time :lol: :lol:[/quote]

I don’t think there should be any pictures posted of Marks car, hes not a paid up member so doesn’t deserve the right to post any pics. :lol:

Limahl Aka Brendan, Who is this, long time no hear or see :lol: