Packs printed today, to be posted shortly

James Kropelnicki
Michael Parker
John Thomson
Michelle Ryan
John Murray
Mike Rogers
Brian Hinchey
Nigel Hall
Peter Rogers
Sarfraz Ali
Christopher Jacobs
Mike Smith
Terry Pyart
Erwin Martin
John Hazeltine
John Shanks
Matt Barker
Steve Goodenough
Elton Ross
Kieran Evans
Graham Jopson
Mandy Covington
David Kenworthy
Vijay Suman
Roy Pereira

These should all be with you by the end of the week.

Yippeeee…I love presents :wink:

Thanks for letting us know. Cheers

Still not me :cry:

not sure what you are expecting Ian, it a letter and a platic membership card with the same number you have had for the last two years :lol:

Ian. I’ll fetch yours down to Eurospec on Saturday :slight_smile:

Thankyou :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

regards mike

hey whats happend about mine, membership will be up for renewal soon :shock:

:? is there any sort of order in how these are sent out,its obviously not alphabetical,but it does seem that some are getting send to members that have been members for less time than others :? far be it for me to tell whoever does the membership packs there job,but i would have thought it was done in time served before anything else?

they are sent in the order of membership

the are all sent recorded delivery, so if you have not got one you need to contact ian t


oh ok ic ta! :roughly translated means i see thankyou very much :wink:

Missed the bus again I see… :roll:

It’s like waiting to see if you’ve made the football team reading through these lists… :lol: