Jesus i see why you want a leed, let me work on it for you lol. Are you using a palm 500 series model?
Then name of this type of connection is known a BIAG connection…
It is correct sort of and functional, but a little bit more finesse is needed, these Leeds need seriously updating. I know there’s not a huge demand but will do what i can to provide a better alternative for members that want one for loggers they have. No one is producing anything now so we have to look towards our own i think. Most people Just buy a second hand ebay job so it needs updating
Actually looking again I can’t see the diode? You have the resistor but not the diode…is that working ok?
Yes. My model is M515
There is no diode. It was before i have disassembled the plug. I am currently sorting it out. It is not working now. I will solder this one:
Ok mate bear with me i will be making them soon they will plug straight into palm and then into obd1 with correct connection.
Ok it’s looking pretty good I’ve managed to rewire these and so far they are working a complete new palm connection on a spring coil usb, just to make the other ends now with odb1 and usb then good to go.
Pocket sized and extended…bit like me

How good would this be if you were able to leave it connected and just plug a USB cable into the dash… Watch this space.
Your doing a grand job with these mate It’s really appreciated how your donating your spare time to do this , especially knowing how hectic things can be for you
Labour of love bud… Anything to help and also donate to the club funds
Very good work and will be better when you finish.
Hats of to you Dave, amazing the effort your putting into the Club.
well done mate
You know from experience Dave
Lead free solder…when! What Joker invented that ■■■■
I’m going to glue it shut… Know what a bunch of fiddler’s you lot can be… Plus if Rob @GSXRKID sees my soldering i will never live it down. Bring back lead!
Totally agree with you on the lead free…absolute crap !!
Sorted that ‘Sausage style’
Yep hes a little star
Part 3 is here now lol