Potential buyer

Hi everyone,

I’m a newbie on this forum so I thought to say hello :wave:.

I’m in the market to buy a GTO/3000GT so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Which out of a GTO and a 3000GT is a better buy in general and why? I know a GTO is a JDM whilst the 3000GT is a UK but is there something more significant?


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Hi @jimmy3,

Welcome to GTOUK :+1:

On the club homepage you can find they buyers guide which will certainly give you a number of pointers.

There are some subtle differences between the GTO and the 3000GT but they are basically the same car. The key point is all 3000GTs are twin turbos and have full leather interiors. The GTOs come in TT, N/A manual or a N/A automatic - GTOs can have leather or cloth interior.

Good luck in your search.


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Thanks James, I’ll be sure to read up on the guide.

Do you know which phase is considered the best and why?

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It’s all down to personal preference- pick which one you like the look of best :+1:

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3000gt all the way if you can find a sound one :grinning: :grinning:

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There’s one currently available to buy. Any reason why to go for the 3000GT instead?

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Hi Jimmmy,

The 3000GT comes with all the toys as standard spec

The GTO it was order what you want when buying them new

The 3000GT can be cheaper to insure with some companies

But 3000GT can be rusty under neath and some parts for both are hard or are no longer able to buy for them


Buy the least rusty car you can find, also inspect thoroughly any car that has had underbody repair/welding work - as if not done properly you will just have to have it redone within years.

Where are you based? There may be a friendly club member in your area you can visit/meet.



My early GTO seems to have some factory extras including 4WD, Cruise Control and a Dodge Stealth body kit.

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Point noted. There’s currently only 1 3000GT available to buy but one of the front wing panel is rusty which makes me question the underneath.

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Hi Andy,

I’m based London and I think it’s a great idea. How often do these meets happen?

I was thinking more a 'meet for a cuppa and a chat about GTO ownership" kinda thing, but I’m a Northerner and not sure that happens down your way, lol.

I’m sure theres a friendly GTO/3000GT down London area that has a passion for the motor enough to show ya what they’re all about.


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Hey Jimmy, if you’re down south (Hertfordshire way), you are welcome to come and have a look around mine, I can talk you through basics, things to look out for etc.

I do mean basics though! I’m still relatively new to the platform myself, and there are definitely forum members with much more experience than me.

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@Mad_Luka I’m all the way in London mate but that’s very kind of you and I would have took you up on the offer had I lived any closer.

@luke3 That’ll be great and very helpful if I can come and see your one and you can give me pointers buddy! This weekend would be great if it also works for you?

Welcome :wave: absolutely love mine to bits, took me a while to get the one i wanted GTO MR so well worth it :blush:

Sure, I think this weekend is Free, I’ll message you with my number, maybe you can drop me a text and we can find some time.

You’re welcome to look at mine when its back from RCM, be on the stand at NEC March Classic & Restoration show with 3 other members cars :blush:

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