Premium choice

just managed to get a quote from premium choice for my bro on his gto tt, was well impressed as he couldnt get quoted anywhere else as he’s only 19.
thumbs up to them and i would recommend people give them a try when looking for renewals etc, seem very competetive.

Would you give as a flavour for how much he paid? Don’t want exact figures but my renewal is due soon and I want to shop around this time.

Didn’t get chance last year as I bought the car on a Sunday lunchtime, picked it up Monday lunchtime and had Monday morning to ring round for insurance. :oops:


I dealt with maya_rules personally. Glad I could help

[quote]I want to shop around this time.

Didn’t get chance last year as I bought the car on a Sunday lunchtime, picked it up Monday lunchtime and had Monday morning to ring round for insurance. :oops:

Give me a PM with your number and renewal date (this goes for anyone requiring a quote). I’ll call you back to go through a quote and I’ll endeavour to beat what you have had.

Thanks in advance
Dave @ Premium Choice

I would like to thank Dave for sorting me out a good deal on my renewal , came in at around 200 pounds cheaper than my previous company .

That is with all mods declared

well worth trying them out if your insurance is due

Cheers Dave


Craig :slight_smile:

Spoke with Dave earlier and he’s ringing back tomorrow with a quote. Top bloke, enjoyed chewin the fat about our cars.

Guys give A PLAN a call. Got my insurance from them for less than £300. :lol:

Just got a quote from Premium Choice myself.
Matched Sky and threw in a couple of extras like free breakdown cover and lost/stolen key cover for free :smiley:
Well pleased, but do I want to give up agreed valuation!!!

[quote]Just got a quote from Premium Choice myself.
Matched Sky and threw in a couple of extras like free breakdown cover and lost/stolen key cover for free :smiley:
Well please, but do I want to give up agreed valuation!!![/quote]

Well I dont want to give up agreed valuation, I could get a lot better quote without it, but it`s nice to know its there.


[quote]Just got a quote from Premium Choice myself.
Matched Sky and threw in a couple of extras like free breakdown cover and lost/stolen key cover for free :smiley:
Well pleased, but do I want to give up agreed valuation!!![/quote]

Recommend keeping the agreed value if there’s not much difference in the premium. Prevents any nightmares if you are unfortunate enough to have to claim. :slight_smile:

just renewed my gto with premium choice,
23, 5yncb, 91 gto tt, including business use £775. tpft

for me flux has always been cheapest, and only company that would insure my skyline when 19 but cheapest they could do was £839.45 without business use.

well worth a try and they also do agreed value on fully comp and also public liability and driving instructor insurance if anyone needs it.
give them a bell, if poss speak to Dave, he knows his stuff!
08450737400 extension 8617

also for those wondering, 4k for my bro which isnt bad considering it was a gto tt and hes only 19 with 1yncb.
he bought a cheap project car so he could afford the insurance.