QBE - Through sky

What a waste of time this company really is.

I have been waiting for Call back since Tuesday to find out whether or not they are going to cover the damage on my car. EVery time I call them I get left on hold for up to 35mins only then for the line to go dead.

My car is in a state and it’s nearly been a month since I reported the claim. The garage have done an estimate, the inspector has approved it… what gives :confused:

Jae is so close now I guess my car will be coming down in a state!:confused:

You’re getting me worried now. I’ve just insured with them, through Sky.
I hope I don’t need to claim.
Keep us posted on developments, please.

I called them today, again after no response from them over the weekend or Friday.

The guy dealing with my claim is on holiday as of last Wednesday and won’t be back for another week…

He hasn’t filed the Engineer’s report as I was told, nor has he contacted the garage to arange repairs. The lady I spoke to also mentioned that they would rather give me an “pay in leui settlement” to sort the claim than give me a courtesy car and fix the damage as specified in my Insurance policy.

Sky are great, but their underwriters, ie QBE are a set of ■■■■■■■■■.

Finally got through to the guy “damian” who should have been dealing with my claim, but chose to go on holdiay and not pass any of his workload on to somebody else.

Upon speaking to him he told me that he had loads to do because he was on holiday and didn’t know I had been trying to get hold of him…

The communication within this company is dire. I asked him if it would be ok for me to miss next months insurance payment because their service had been shite… Or if when I go on holiday I should let the servers and systems I maintain grind to a halt…

I’m now on hold for 15 mins and counting whilst he “reads the file” …

… Much later

… It now turns out that my file has been misslayed/lost in the post and cannot be found. What a f*****g crappy company. If your with QBE please make sure you don’t have to claim with them.

Bugger - i’m with QBE on my GTO. Looks like i’m changing insurers next year then. Sky generally are good, but i’ve had problems with them too - the saga with my old Land Rover’s insurance for starters.

Really not sure whether i’ll even ask them for a quote in 7 months time :frowning:

I`m with QBE through Sky & have not long used them for my claim when the 4x4 hit me, no problems what so ever & the claim went through as smooth as silk :smiley: Was more than delighted with the service they gave. 8)


[quote]I`m with QBE through Sky & have not long used them for my claim when the 4x4 hit me, no problems what so ever & the claim went through as smooth as silk :smiley: Was more than delighted with the service they gave. 8)


QBE have informed me that my car is not worth more than £2000… lol.

Why do we bother insuring our cars with a “specialist company”? When we come to claim for an incident such as mine they take the ■■■■ and try avoid the situation. The engineer/inspector who came out to see my car has reported that the car was full of dints and stone chips prior to the vanda incident. Regardles of this they should still honour the agreement I have with them to repair the car through the insurance policy I have undertaken with them? If this was a case of the car been brand new, with the same damage they wouldnt hesitate to sort out the damage.

BEcause they had somebody to claim against in your situation they were more than happy to sort your claim out Julian, because I have nobody to put the blame they will do anything to avoid forking out to fix the damage.