Renewal coming up

So, it’s the dreaded time of year again.

Currently with Aviva, im paying £2100 which was just over £100 cheaper than the previous policy. So i ask what they can do for me this year… £2750!!!

I know im not going to get a mega cheap quote with a TT99 on my licence but come on!!!

So the other quotes are:

Flux Direct £2150
Sky £1842
A-plan £1280
Footman James £652

As awsome as footman james’s quotes is, i have to decline as they dont allow you to drive other vehicles on your policy which puts a real spanner in the works because of the number of other cars i do drive.

So A-Plan it is! Still cheap to me considering i haven’t had anything less than 2 grand for years!!!

Im confident no one will get close to A-Plan.


3 choices:
a) move to NZ - insurance is optional
b) change to a 1.2 Matiz
c) bite the bullet and accept it as part of the cost of GTO ownership. It is worth it and premiums will get lower over the years.

(This year’s premium with Direct Line £228, fully comp, me & Sue :bangreen: )

You say you drive other cars,Can’t you take out another policy to cover those
After all if you can come in at under £630.00 for them you would be getting a better deal.
After all if it’s the FJ classic policy there is no NCD on it anway and that figure quoted should hold year on year like mine has for the past 6 years £230.00.
Sorry to upset you :wink:
Also if you did happen to have a knock in any of the other cars at least you know the gto will be the same


why cant you insure one of the cars and drive the GTO on that insurance ?

[quote]You say you drive other cars,Can’t you take out another policy to cover those
After all if you can come in at under £630.00 for them you would be getting a better deal.
After all if it’s the FJ classic policy there is no NCD on it anway and that figure quoted should hold year on year like mine has for the past 6 years £230.00.
Sorry to upset you :wink:
Also if you did happen to have a knock in any of the other cars at least you know the gto will be the same


It has crossed my mind and am waiting untill i have a spare hour or so to find quotes on one of the other cars as i still have a couple of weeks. Also, i wasn’t aware that the FJ quote doesn’t use your NCD!

Can one car have two separate policies on it? Both using NCD’s?

Any car has to have its own insurance for someone to drive it on their other policy.


[quote]3 choices:
a) move to NZ - insurance is optional
b) change to a 1.2 Matiz
c) bite the bullet and accept it as part of the cost of GTO ownership. It is worth it and premiums will get lower over the years.

(This year’s premium with Direct Line £228, fully comp, me & Sue :bangreen: )[/quote]

a) YES PLEASE!!! Would loooooove to move there!!!
b) Erm… NO!
c) Accepted that 7 years ago!! Which is why im so chuffed about a £1200+ insurance quote!! LOL
