
now my gto tt has gone ive got a runabout so me n tani can ferry the gran,kids about its a 1.8 20v turbo tiptronic tbh its a very nice drive

she still has her gto

and ive got the transit :?
we took our daughter,s and the grand,kids out last sunday and it was great to all go out together i loved my gto but its nice to go out and be able to get everyone in the same car and not have to all turn up somewhere in seperate cars

Looks Tidy mate and its a nice shade of "Green " :lol:

As always Tani’s looks good but whos left that shopping trolley on your drive :shock: ■■■■■■ kids nowadays

Craig :slight_smile:

thanks mate . GREEN :shock: its blody horid wont stay clean for more than 5 seconds BLACK
R.E the shoping trolley it will soon be in the PARTS FOR SALE section if toady dont get a move on :smiley:

Nothing wrong with the motor, good on yer for doing whats right for you both :smiley:
