Returning to sign in page

i am browsing the site on my main PC at the moment , whenever ive read a topic and hit the back button to return to the forum it takes me straight back to the sign in page . Current issue or just my end ?

Craig :slight_smile:

Please provide the following details:

  • Operating System
  • Browser
  • Browser version


Running Windows Vista , browser is explorer , cant remember the version but pretty sure i updated it recently

As you have probably guessed computer tech i dont do , can work around most things then the BFH comes out

Craig :slight_smile:

@CDMH your mission is to aquire your browser version. This mission must be completed without failure.


  1. From the Help menu or the strange cog in the corner of Internet Explorer
  2. Select About Internet Explorer
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Mine goes straight back to the topics page, come on Craig, get that mouse running in his little wheel going a bit faster :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Terry :sunglasses:

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Just checked fella on the main PC im running IE 9 which is the latest version i can run apparently on vista , My netbook which i do most of my browsing on runs IE 11 and that works fine

Craig :slight_smile:

@CDMH Yeap IE9 doesn’t have some of the features required for that bit of functionality.

For your desktop machine running Windows Vista I would highly recommend installing Google Chrome. This will provide you with a far better experience.

Give it a go!

Cheers @DeanMarkTaylor ive actually downloaded it on there but not used it , and deleted it before as I get bombarded with pop up boxes and add on advertisements along side it

Will give it a go though , also thinking about trying a different browser too

Craig :slight_smile:

Sounds like you downloaded a doggy version.

Use this link: