S West people to JAE anyone on Saturday?

Back permitting I will have to drive up to JAE on Saturday morning. Two probs, my back gave way last week, hasn’t done it for years. It seems OK now but I won’t put any pressure on it. I also have a long day in London on Friday and won’t be home till around 8pm so will set off for JAE on Saturday morning. I aim to leave mid-morning is any-one else likely to be driving up then please?

J :slight_smile:

Hi Janey - we probably won’t be leaving until about then…


Hello Paul,

Got stuck in London and didn’t get home til midnight last night! Neil and Sam may be going up today and I will check with them about 9.30 i would like to leave by about 10.30 but it may take a bit longer today as the news says the roads are still busy.