Hello , iv fitted boost control and upgraded fuel and spark plugs. Can any one recommend anybody to set my car up for best performance + the boost controller
Around nottingham would be good
In Nottingham I think area 52 can do it.(I don’t know how good or bad they are)
I do know a place in Leicestershire area who can do it and I know he can as he mapped my car and he did an amazing job.
If your interested let me know.
I’m willing to go travel to get the right job done. How much will it cost at Leicestershire
It cost me 300 quid for mapping on the Dyno plus he collected the car also from my house(4 years ago)so maybe a bit less if you go there.
Also forgot to add I have fitted an aem ecu so only had basic map on it that comes from factory.
As you only have boost controller it will be less.on mine had to configure all the settings so I had full mapping but in your case he would only need to set enough boost to avoid knock.
Have you upgraded the fuel at all?hotwired pump etc?
Thanks for reply, yes upgraded all the fuel and hot wired it, also upgraded the exhaust too
If its got a standard ECU and standard Injectors you still cannot go above 8-9psi without damaging the engine, so you cannot go boosting the thing to the moon.
Put your name down on the Data Logging software group buy and get some data logging software to monitor the engine data and then and only then can you attempt to add more than 8-9 psi of boost.
Click this blue link below to be taken to the group buy page
The software will allow you to monitor for engine detonation/ knock, which if it occurs will damage your engine in milliseconds if left unchecked and allowed to happen when you use the engine at higher RPM
Do little steps and check your progress with the data logger
Failure to take those steps will result in a dead car
If your unsure give me a call and i can advise you further 01702-614469
Cheers Rob