Sitech Visit - Perthshire

After totally hijacking the “was it you” thread, I thought I’d start a new one, just incase anyone else wants to come and didn’t notice it…

Am I right 10 am Pitlochry at the dundarach hotel PH16 5DJ ?


I was aiming for more 11ish at the hotel!

ok, cool I think that give us plenty of time… I’ll give you a buzz once we’re on our way… will probably still meet in Pitlochry as we won’t make Perth in 1hr. But we can easy make Pitlochry by 11, so we might meet up to clean the beasts, time permitting…

i’ll pop round and see you guys if your still there,should be up around 12,30 then having lunch at victorias on the main st.


[quote]i’ll pop round and see you guys if your still there,should be up around 12,30 then having lunch at victorias on the main st.


Did you book a table for us??? :smiley:

[size=14]YAY - LUNCH IS ON SCOOB![/size] :lol:

yeeha cheese burger and chips for me scoob :lol:

burger afff :lol: hopefully see yous there :wink:

Just wanted to say thanks to Simon for putting up with us mooching around all day and supplying us with coffee.

It was really good to get a chance to get together before the new year and have a collective beard stroke with some engineering lessons thrown in! I think everyone enjoyed themselves and gave us a chance to get to know Simon a bit better.

P.s. - don’t forget to give your chimney a sweep Si…:wink: Also do you want our mileage for advertising weekly or monthly?

aye that was a fine day, good to see you peeps again and good to meet andy and simon,learned a few things also ,and hey guess who tried tailing me going back -------that ■■■■■■ mini :stuck_out_tongue: sorry i couldnt stay but i had to pack and get travel stuff sorted if i see any gtos in stockholm ill post up photos,staying at the rica kungsgatan if theres any of our swedish bros reading this
all the best for the new year coming

just missed you mate :frowning: was walking up when you just left,crossed the railway and met the guys going for a bite to eat.


Many thanks to Simon and the Dundarach hotel for being such good hosts to us… If I’d known that it was going to be so scenic I’d have cleaned my car :lol: I think a photo shoot there in the summer when our cars are clean would look great…

Thanks John for the lifter tool you made and thanks Andy lending me your book on forced induction theory…



Good to see all you lads before the new year, a thanks to Simon and his folks from me too, nice place and the coffee and biscuits were a welcome warmer on a chilly Scottish day!

Thanks to Si we all seem to have additional stickers on our cars now! Also some ideas for the future I think having seen the facilities there, it will be good to see Chris’s and Scotts cars in action sometime this year as I think we all have high expectations!

Hope we can all get together again sometime in February perhaps…


Sounds like a good idea Mark. There is a Tora Tora day with Banzia at Crail in April/May I think - like last year.

hi andy

its sunday the 13th april

TORA TORA TORA BANZAI ATTACK CRAIL BANZAI the top Japanese magazine are back to search for Scotland’s finest oriental mental motors on the strip drift and static paddock at Scotland’s Drag strip.

heres the 2008 schedule


was in seeing simon today on my way back down from inverness.5inches of snow outside :shock: gave him a hand to get my car into the garage and he’s now going to put my engine back in.hes got a load of piping for the fmic and still waiting on the parts for my gearbox so hopefully get the car back on the road mid.january :smiley:


[quote]was in seeing simon today on my way back down from inverness.5inches of snow outside :shock: gave him a hand to get my car into the garage and he’s now going to put my engine back in.hes got a load of piping for the fmic and still waiting on the parts for my gearbox so hopefully get the car back on the road mid.january :smiley:


Hi Scott,

I’m looking forward to seeing the finished article…
Your new intercooler looks good by the way.



I think i need to invest in a fmic as the oem ones on it look a bit ruff (not much life left)

Anyway guys one of the pics of the cars at the sitech meet have made it onto the sitech site.


cool john 8) i spoke to simon this morning and should have the car back next weekend all going well, minus 6 up there justnow :shock: anyone going up that neck of the woods next weekend :? need to hitch a lift or its the train for me :lol:

damn, im going offshore on wed or i woulda taken you up,does that mean your getting her back?