So i am finally back!

Hi Guys,

So I have finally dragged my ass back on here after a year or 2 not sure if anyone will remember me!

Loving the new Forum and have just become a fully paid member, my question is there seems to be very few categories. is this due to the fact I cant see them yet? (only just upgraded) I want to start a build tread and not sure where to do so.

Cheers all!


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It might not have updated you in yet. The categories at the moment are all the same as the last site… However they will be getting skinnied down due to the search function improvement.
The me yes are drop downs so should be in there. However most of us are at he Christmas do this weekend so it might take 48 hours to get things done for you :slight_smile: bug dont panic
Welcome back

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Hi @Coxy_MR I’ve added the permissions - you should now be able to see everything :smile: