Song for christmas JAE

Well yesterday i had no internet so was bored in my house. The gto was sitting in garage drying her paint so could not work on her.

anyway was thinking about JAE and christmas and came up with this song.

On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me

1 mitsubishi gto
2 new turbos
3 metal gaskets
4 port exhaust
6 new injectors
7 defi guages
8 pot calipers
9 thousand rev limit
10 samco hoses
11 speeding tickets

LOL, made me chuckle Dann, maybe throw in a

and a direct line to Rob

Really funny Dann, but you do need to get out a bit more. :lol:

oh dear oh dear oh dear !!! :shock: thats all im sayin :shock:

10 should be a 10 disc multi changer

Ok So Dan is the entertainment for Jae…looks like i wont have to book anything.
