Southwest Meet

I was just saying thanks. lol


@Beanus, got a new battery going on tomorrow.
Since the bondageā€¦ errr duct tape was fitted, The alarm wonā€™t STFU! How to annoy my entire streetā€¦

iv lernt so much today, so thank you to all that gave real good advice. Sorry but i canā€™t remember names :blush:

Roll on JAE and further meets.

Sounds like you had a good meet :slight_smile: hopefully be one up north whats abit closer next time :slight_smile:

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Thanks Andy for organising the meet yesterday, sorry we had to dash off early but had to drive down to Exmouth then back up to Salisbury. Was good meeting up with you, Marty K, Nas & Sam, Mesobitchi and Max. I only took a couple of picā€™s before leaving>>>>>


My awesome parking lol :grin:


You arnt the only one who parked perfect :joy:

You wouldnā€™t know my car was spotless before I left home that morning! Haha. Although it was 100 miles each way! Funnily enough thought I got home half an hour quicker than it took me to drive the 6 miles to work yesterday after the crash at Shoreham on Saturday!