Spotted - By Google Street View Car

Silverfox’s 3000GT On Street View


Surely not, it looks far too clean and shiny for yours @Silverfox :wink:


proof it’s not being driven enough :wink:

Did Google forget to erase that guys number plate when he was getting in his car?
samazing how you can see the car from all directions tho, I know, I’m not that computer savvy :laughing:

Terry :sunglasses:

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just had a go my self

blimey that is old , 2 of the cars in that pic are dead , the silver one has long gone thankfully and so has the haunted house lol

Craig :smile:

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That’s right, it does need to be driven more. I need to get the rear brakes fixed, one of the pins nearly fell out of one of them!

Nice to see everyone here creating a GPS accurate map of where to go to steal their cars :wink:

EDIT: Excluding Craig as his is now gone!

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I rarely take mine to work anyhow, so I’m not too worried. Also they wouldn’t get very far in mine at the moment due to the dodgy rear brakes!

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There is that but a lot of people has probably moved since they took the images.


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Spot on @NAS :laughing: , they are welcome to go around the haunted house we arent there anymore lol

Craig :smile:


September 2009 - The old Hulk (and no workshop - for those who remember the DIG)

May 2012 - The evolved Hulk and my trusty Freelander dog-mobile on the front.

November 2012 - no idea where the Hulk would be in November but it’s missing.

October 2014 - Phew… he came back.

July 2015 - my car, the Hulk safely guarded by it, and the High Street Signs van, just a big happy family.


…oh, and for any potential Hulk thieves out there looking at this, yes, you now know where we are :wink: but be warned, you won’t like @stevie when he’s angry.


DIG PMSL :laughing:

Help level the garden , Boo’s face was a picture when he walked around the back , ■■■■■■ good day that was plenty of graft and laughs :sunglasses:

Craig :slight_smile:


Had to look for myself lol :grin:

Found mine in Essex