

This is who I’m insured through, worked out cheaper than all the others for a 24 year old.


I’m currently with admiral who insure my Celica GT import (2L non turbo) for £1200. They’ve told me I can have a £25 refund if I swap it for a 3L T/T GTO!! Go figure… :?

Needless to say the Celica’s up for sale, and I’m after GTO over the next couple of weeks! Can’t wait - I’ve been after one for ages but couldn’t afford the insurance…

So anyway - that makes it £1175 for a 23 yr old with 3 yrs no claims. Not bad I don’t think…


Are you sure they didn’t qoute you for the non-turbo, i would check that out just to be on the safe side.


Hey Steve,

I’ve just turned 24, and I’m on the hunt for a GTO TT, to replace my MR2 MK2 N/A.

I went through the TESCOS online website, and I got quoted £950.00 Fully Comp, not bad I thought.


They want a Tracker Fitted!!! Which I bet costs the EARTH! :shock:
Did you have the same problem?

As this seems a valid question, to which a valid answer should be given, I assume that it doesn’t fall into the category of irrelevant posting :lol:

Yeah, what I found was that if you click on the different tracking devices in the list, the quote doesn’t change. The best thing to do is print the list of available tracking choices and seach the web for each one. The prices range from about £500 to £1200 fitted. Then you have to pay an annual subscription of roughly £100 for the service. Some of the companies offer a lifetime membership.

I went for the Tracker Monitor, £500ish fitted at Audio Island in Brigg, North Lincolnshire. I took the lifetime (as long as I own the car) option which cost £300.

If you have a look on some of the other car forums (scoobynet.co.uk is good for info), you will find that some tracking companies don’t seem to be very good. I believ Tracker and RAC are some of the worse.


cheers Steve!

So basically £950 + £500 (ish) 8) + £300 Lifetime…

:shock: £1750 :shock:

Just to get insurance! Well, in a loose sense.

I think I’ll try and find an insurance company that are cheap like Tesco, that don’t require a Tracker. I’ve been told BELL Direct are good. As My friend with a Supra TT is paying £750 Fully Comp.


Im with Liverpool Victoria - who are listed here on one of the other threads.
I went with them since there’r cheap - and they dont care about the 9 points i’v got :roll:

However to get back on track : They dont require a tracker … give 'em a ring if your concerned - it could save you a bucket.


But to be insured with Liverpool Victoria you need to be 30+ and Tolly777 is 24 :frowning: So he has the same isues of insurance predejuce as me.




Which model is that Steve? As some insurance companies won’t accept the basic models, Tesco won’t accept the Tracker Retrieve, however they will accept Tracker Monitor and Tracker Horizon.


im pretty sure its the tracker monitor.ill have to check as it was a couple of years back.tescos exept it though.
