Huge thanks to all those that attended JAE and made it the great weekend it was
The day started early for me just before 5am by the time I got to JAE it was just after 8 while unhooking the trailer Martyne cooked breakfast for me , cheers fella very much appreciated 8)
Thanks to all those that chipped in ,setting up , washing up , cooking etc , all flows better when we all get stuck in in 8)
Thanks to the Trailer mechanic pit crew who got the damn thing rolling again with lights :lol: cursed thing it is
What should have been a nice earlyish afternoon home went wrong from the minute the trailer was hooked up , so once dodgy lights and dodgy plug on my truck were sorted I dropped the trailer off at Boos who came and met me ( cheers fella 8) ) . Left Boos place got 2 miles down the road and could hear something in the tyre , upon inspection I had a piece of Cotswold stone like a tooth from a sabre tooth tiger jammed in my tyre and the lovely sound of air escaping , hazards on rolled it down the road and changed the tyre , final arrival time 8:15 :lol: :lol: