Trax 2007

2nd September 2007

Silverstone Circuit

Will the GTOUK club be having a stand at this event.


Is anyone going to this event.


I have gone for last 3 years.

Usually quiet a good turn out, all meeting in Towcester and driving in together.


i wanna go! are we getting discounted tickets?.. wanna be cheaky and get 4 if i can!

I might go along to this one, if we are going to have a few GTO’s there.
A lot of trade stands there last time I went, and it was a good entertaining day.
I admit that many of the trade stands were general stuff, halfords style, but at least there were some there…


i am going along with dave, tickets already bought and paid for!!

i’m sure if anyone has any interest in going if they pm dave or myself, together we can sort something out, maybe even a club stand position,pending dave’s agreement of course.


If you are attending this event and have already bought your tickets or are buying them on the day.

How would you like to be on my club stand as i have a few vehicle passes available.

Given out on a first come first served basis.


I may go is anyone coming through derby?

[quote]If you are attending this event and have already bought your tickets or are buying them on the day.

How would you like to be on my club stand as i have a few vehicle passes available.

Given out on a first come first served basis.


i may be coming down with my little silver baby!.. :slight_smile: how to i get into the club stand if you have any tickets left?

A great day was had by all that attended :wink:

A few photo’s of the day can be found here.

Only 2 GTO/3000GT’s at the whole event… :shock:

I was going to go, but my car is still in paint shop. He said I would have it back in time, but he not even started on the paint yet.
