Unofficial Essex Meet Xmas Bash

Hi Guys and Gals,

Its fast approaching the time of year for…partys. :party:

We do have the official Gto Uk xmas party, but as some of you may be aware Rob has organised a christmas party for the Essex meet the last few years.

As Rob is now a very busy man and the venue where we hold the Essex meet has outgrown us, it seems there wasn’t going to be one this year… :cry:


This thread is to see if anyone from the south area would be interested in a xmas bash. :party:

I have found a venue in Harlow with a massive car park, who can host us a party on one of the following Tuesdays…

4th, 11th or 18th of December.

Pricing at the moment would be about £15 definately no more than £20 per head, this would include food and a disco…maybe even stretch to a cracker each… :lol:

I would however have to book this within the next week as the place will soon get booked up.

Please post up if you would like to go.

Hope this make sense, any questions pm me.


ps. lots of cheap accomodation around the area if needed.

*** Title edited By GSXR KID ***

Sounds good any one of them days will be fine for me so watever everyone else wants


Mick and I would love to come but can only make the 18th.

I will be away for a week from next Thursday so i would like to sort this before I go.

We need 30 people for this to be a viable option.

regards Dawn

im their, anyday, on ma own though :frowning:

Is this a family event?

Thanks Richard

hi Guys any more of you wanting to go.

I need to book this soon but i need more than 6 replys.


Count me in and i think there deff about 5 lurkers, whom i will make sure they post…lol

Cheers Rob