Username Tidy up

as we do from time to time, i will sometime this week, when I get time, start the process of doing a user prune, this well start by removing users who have never logged in, or activated there accounts.

It will also tidy up people within the groups, no access will be lost to anyone within the paid up membership, it will however remove users from the new users group from over one year


Best of luck Simon, looking at the list of user-names :wink: :wink: :wink:

You can start with “UNKNOWN” and delete all 3 of the posts. It was a user name I used for a bit of a laugh :wink:

As he say’s, delete me :smiley:

Be a pleasure and we knew it was you anyway , we have ways of seeing :lol: .

Craig :slight_smile:

[quote]…, we have ways of seeing :lol: .

Craig :)[/quote]

The man says driving into a badger big enough to almost rite off the front of his car :stuck_out_tongue: :bandance:

:lol: :lol: :lol: