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Next stupid question. how do you get hidden & why would you want to be?
(secret cyber police?)

Profile setting :

Hide your online status

Just above where you just set your time zone… :wink:

Why? No idea.

[quote]Profile setting :

Hide your online status

Just above where you just set your time zone… :wink:

Why? No idea.[/quote]

Well thats two things I have learnt today :smiley:


[quote]Profile setting :

Hide your online status

Just above where you just set your time zone… :wink:

Why? No idea.[/quote]

Well thats two things I have learnt today :smiley:

One thing I learnt Today Is that when You are hidden in the general forum, You are still listed as being in Chat. :lol:

Yes indeed… :slight_smile:

It’s a kids game… Usually you hide so as not to be seen… open your big mouth and you give the
game away… I assume that’s why your not hidden in chat :wave:

The way i see it with hidden is a there is people on here who dont want to be bombarded with questions or pm,s as soon as they log on so they keep there id hidden so they can browse the forum , fair enough imo

same as in chat they dont want to be hounded in there either so expect a bit of leeway

Craig :slight_smile: