From your experience how many hours can I expect on this type of job. My usual mechanic is “new school” and I feel like this car is not one to simply plug into a machine for timing purposes but will need someone to manually set valves and camshafts etc. My options right now are to trust him (worried he might be “experimenting”) or take it some 3 hours away to people that deal with them everyday.
When you buy the kit from me you get the instructions and the tools you will need to do the properly and and much easier, which no one else does to my knowledge, plus you get the proper parts for the job too.
whist its not hard to do if your mechanic is the type who does not know how to use a spanner and common sense he may not be the best choice
I’m in Glasgow. Have owned the GTO about two years. He is a good mechanic he has taken care of our family cars for a while now. Just that it’s the usual plug in and get a report then fix/replace something type of garage.
Inn the beginning the local Evans Halshaw wouldn’t even touch it for an oil change! I’ve been wary ever since
any good mechanic should be able to work on a v6 lump no probs . as said above theres good how tos on forum if you need or I know a mechanic that can hep you out hes just doing same job to a gto this week .