They can login at any stage, but they are unable to see text from before they logged in as it is normally a peer-to-peer system rather than storing data on the server. It also announced new people so you could alter conversation when they arrive.
It wasn’t peer to peer, you could scroll back through conversations. Anyway I have expressed my views as so as others and know there is interest so we will bring this up at the next committee meeting to see what the best way to move forward this would be.
hello while I like the look of the new site I am a bit dismayed that we don’t have a chat room at looking through the posts on here it looks like we wont be having one which I think is very disappointing I can sort of see your point nas but I feel if the site had been set up by an ardent user of the old chat room we would have one in place. nothing I feel will replace the old chat room I personal don’t have facebook . I don’t particularly want what im talking about posted on screen for all to see especially when we are ripping the pee out of them . judging by what ive read prior to posting this a chat room is about as likely as me giving someone a kick up the ass without falling over
ok nas see what happens if others are interested but to clarify if you logged on mid way through a chat you could not scroll back and see what was said . you can only scroll back through our own chat conversation
Theres a little bit of confusion regarding the old chat site , generally most users could only read the comments from when they entered , this applied to most of the moderators , however the guys who had web access rights at the time which i believe were Simon and Toady could actually read from the start .
Although that has gone now so its kind of irrelavent how it worked compared to the current forum , so lets see what the guys can come up with
It doesn’t matter now, maybe it was a bug in the end as you could and screen grabs were taken to prove this. It’s now being replaced with a new system, as the old one cannot no longer be used anyway. Glad to see you back around boo