West Midlands Monthly Meet

Meet is Sunday 16th Dec @ 1.30pm onwards

The Coach and Horses
Weatheroak Hill
West Midlands
B48 7EA

01564 823386


If you want to eat get there early as they stop serving food at 2.30pm, a few people were a little hungry before.

I will be running this meet on Sunday’s only until it gets lighter in the evenings.

Let’s hope we get more people this month!

I’ll be there.
I’ll be awake the night before to make sure the yobs don’t get to her saturday night :wink: :lol:

sorry, no can do this month, i’m at work!


well you never know ? i might have an exhaust by then but then i might not … have to wait and see …

well if you do rich i’ll follow you? :lol:im not good at finding places

This is tomorrow guys & gals, don’t forget :slight_smile:



Can’t make this one…soz


As the turn out in these cold months has been only me for last 2 meets.

I will arrange the next one for April, or maybe even May as the AGM is in April.


Sorry Mark , im still carless … even the focus has gone back yet again to fords :cry: :cry:

Lol - that’s no excuse - just use the toy in your sig…about the only thing that can detract attention for a herd of GTO’s (is herd the right term for a large group of them? Or is there some better term we can think of?)