What makes a Great Event - Post Birthday Bash Analysis

Been thinking about this post Birthday Bash, a great event, me being me, done a lot of people watching.

The ingredients for a great event are:-

Finances - meets wouldn’t happen without the Club Finances
Pre Meet Arrangements - Booking & Paying for the Event before most people even think about it.
Pre Organisation - so much happens behind the scenes before the actual day
Transportation - a huge amount of gear needs to be there on the day
Set-Up - massive amount to do upon arrival - apart from your own personal tent, the Club has so much to do for the weekend.
Attendance - you guys being there makes it.
Contribution during the Weekend - anything from cooking the food, instigating the fun, (bringing fun stuff) contributing the food personally (bringing food), cleaning up the empties and fag buts, tidying chairs, joining in the organised fun.

Setting down - this is a big one, the worst part of any camping weekend, it happens at every camping meet when everyone is tired, as most people choose to pack up personally and get off home, forgetting all those who set up, have run the weekend and also are tired and want to get home, so ‘setting down’ help is a huge help, but it’s always the same people doing it.

I haven’t personally put up a ‘thanks’ on the Birthday Bash post, not because I’m ungrateful to the effort, but felt there was more to say.

One person (probably should say 2 with Rob too) really stood out for me this year, because she is new to the Club, she doesn’t know many people that well, but the contribution, thought and effort she put into the Birthday Bash weekend was brilliant @BexGTO.

So not an Oscar nomination list coming, you know who you are in the above, so thanks, it is appreciated.

See you all hopefully at JAE.



Well put :slight_smile:

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One last thing before I retire for my tea.

All the above who I have silently spoken about who contribute to the meets, pay exactly the same price for these weekends, and are having well deserved time off ‘work’ to enjoy themselves, as in ‘enjoy’ not to be unpaid slaves . :wink:

Great weekend though, just need a few things ironing out, that’s all.



Lol @Butler it just dribbles out ‘as it is’ ooopp North, can’t help it, lol

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Thanks @tracie I had a fantastic time and I know Rob did too. I saw this meet as an opportunity for us to all come together and for me an opportunity to get to know people. It was brilliant and I am certainly looking forward as is JAE and I will pass on your kind words.


Lol sure it does ;-).

I assume from reading this the weekend was amazing fun exciting etc just needed some more help pitching in with jobs?

Obviously not trying to put a downer on the weekend … Just trying to make observations for improving later meets :slight_smile:

@BexGTO I had no doubt you would fit in well, you’ve obviously lost none of your Morton Morrell ethics
(And for those that that confuses … Me n next went to the same college just a few years apart so never met… But the college had a huge party hard reputation)


We didn’t have cigars at college tho pmsl :wink:


Lol not sure how to take that as I can only thing about an American president :flushed::us:

we deffo did at the B’day bash thanks to @BexGTO and i know my "brother " appreciated it too :laughing:

Craig :slight_smile:

Less of the two hat !!



Talking about ur brother I saw him earlier lmao, bumped in to him in sainsburys

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Buying a better fly swatter :grinning: