Whats the use

Just saw this on ebay whilst checking the part number on my old unit. 1fekkin50 for a unit with the lugs broken. Someone’s out to make a quick buck, wonder what else he’s got for sale :thinking:

Just had a look and its a door lock for a VW huh!!!

Also, even though no pic they have OEM control unit for 95.05. https://www.viamoto.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=Mitsubishi+OEM+Part+-+MB609484 So I click on ‘add to cart’ for more info and it says unit price £72.91, Shipping estimate :scream: £6.66, VAT £17.17 making a grand total of £103.04

Terry :sunglasses:

Viamoto are good.
I have sourced a few bits from them.

I know you’re into saving weight Marty, here is the new wheel going on my motor…

Terry :sunglasses: