With Deepest Regret

Like Gavin I had to re-read Stevie’s post…I can’t believe what have read. Lel was a wonderful woman and life and soul of the party…and can’t believe that we were all together at the weekend.

So very, very sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you and your family at this saddest time…

dee I am struggling to find the words to convey our shock and utter sadness. you know lel was one of my favourite girls to spend time with at meets . I cannot begin to imagine the pain and despair you are feeling at this time . a truly wonderful person who will be sadly missed by not only me and dave but everyone who knew her

our deepest sympathy’s

love Tania and dave

This is awful news, thoughts are with you at such an incomprehendable time.

Not the news one likes to here
Please accept Bianca & my deepest sympathies.
We Will always have time for a moments thought of Lel.


Thoughts with you Dee - can’t really add much more than to echo everyone else.


All you guys.

Thank you so much for all of your posts. I felt my life was ended when I lost Lel without warning and in such a short space of time.

I always said to her that if I lost her I would end up down the Brit every day in a wasted mess. That is not the case.

Things are so different now than I could have ever imagined. There is so much that I have to keep going. She is still in my heart holding me together and keeping me determined to do things, and I will never let her down.

I have had so much support from so many people that I have been overwhelmed in a good way. I could have never believed it.

I have spoken with Steve and Tracy to say that I am so glad that her last weekend was such fun. The birthday bash was great and we were both high after getting back home and laughing about all the silly antics that went on.

I am so sad that she has left us, and that she went so quickly and young, but to be honest, it was at the happy peak of a wave, and from the conversation with the paramedic, she didn’t suffer as she passed over.

Lady of my dreams that was snatched away from us all far to soon.


So sorry to read this Dion. She was a lovely lady who brought a warmth and happiness to many meets that I have attended. Please accept my deepest condolences.


SO Sorry

So sorry to hear this.

So sorry to hear that Dion, can’t even imagine what you must be going through, my thoughts are with you

My deepest sympathy… no words can explain what you must be feeling

I am embarrassed.

Thank you GTOUK for raising charity money and asking me where I would like to send it.

It’s been a long time, and I am sorry to say that I have not been able to deal with it for a while now.

Finally written out a cheque to BHF tonight. Enveloped up ready to go tomorrow. It shouldn’t have taken so long, I know.

Sent it as an anonymous payment and added to it myself. I hope that is ok with you all. That’s the way I wanted it. Thank you.

Dee x


As I mention on facebook, its no problem at all. Its the least we could do, looking forward to catching up with you soon.


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@dejay your are more than welcome its the least we the club could have done for you and Lel .

If it was possible to get lel back to you then you know we would move heaven and earth for the pair of you

Craig :slight_smile:

Very sorry to hear this. Hope you are okay

so sorry to hear of your loss dee


i am so sorry to hear of your loss my deepest sympathy simon

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