Xmas do 2014

Unfortunately Julian I would have replied the same no matter who posted it. :roll:

I also think you are wrong regarding it being a thankless task. It can be very difficult arranging events, time consuming and stressful. But that is soon forgotten when after the event the thanks and gratitude are given in the past event threads. (of which you have had many)

Anyway back on track with this poll…

Remember that the act might not be your cup of tea that is finally arranged, but it is such a small section of which will be a great Day/Night.

I can give an example of a JAE Race Night. I really thought this would spoil the event and I certainly was not looking forward to that section of entertainment… BUT that has to be one of the best nights in my opinion, because the members made it ■■■■■■ fun.

Xmas Do is the last event on the calendar and to me ranks high in my list of being a must.

Keep up the good work Dave.


Thanks for all the support in trying to organise the end of year event the Xmas :party:.

I appreciate all the comments and posts…but at the end of the day lets not forget that it is a club event and I personally would like as many members there as possible whether it’s your cup of tea or not…

So lets make it a night to remember for the right reasons and lets as a club go forward.

Hi Dave,

Keep up the good work, dont let this put you off with your efforts.

At the end of the day anyone can arrange meets and everyone has had the option to volunteer. Dave has kindly taken this on, there is a choice of dates with various options for entertainment which is good and Dave has given the right for the members to vote. Before Dave had thought of this, I have asked around and cannot get close to this price or its too late to book anything (which is serious point we need to consider at this stage).

So if anyone has any more comments which is more than welcome, as Julian mentioned please supply alternative suggestions with prices/dates as otherwise it will turn into a pointless slagging match (and why should Dave do this) and we will end up not having one (as time is becoming an issue).

At the end of the day you cant please everyone. I hate this when I arrange meets, its too far, its too much, I dont like the entertainment etc, with no positive solutions. Please feel for the poor person trying to make the effort.

Like the change of the birthday meet venue, roll with it and if we dont like it we know where we can return to next year worse case its a change. I have generally heard positive comments from members, if there is a completely negative vibe I am sure Dave will be open to other suggestions.

Personally I think it looks a good location (fair location), quality hotel at a good price and it includes disco and entertainment and I didnt have arrange it, Im sold :slight_smile:


Out of curiosity, do we have to attend the act or could people do something else in the area during that time if they didn’t fancy the entertainment?

Obviously, you could just choose not to go. But, what I am am asking is can I not pay for that part if I intend not to attend it? Or, is it all one price?

Sorry do you mean you don’t want to eat nor watch the entertainment, disco etc. The prices for these events normally include everything - food/entertainment disco as one price. You probably wouldn’t save much as the dinners are normally £25-30 per person anyway. I am sure you could leave when the act is on, but I dont think it would be worth it for the hotel to discount anything.

If you mean can you just book a hotel room and sit elsewhere, I am sure this will be fine but why wouldn’t you want to be with everyone?


I was on about having the meal but not seeing the act. I wasn’t sure if the act was in the same price as the meal or whether the meal was in the room rate.

Ah ok, i think you will find the £60 is for the room and breakfast, the rest is for the meal and entertainment but i will let Dave clarify thus as he is the one making the booking :slight_smile:


Steve the price of the meal with entertainment is £34.95 per person

If you want a room as well it is

Single room £50.00 with breakfast / Double room £60.00 with breakfast

As to whether you just have the meal and then sit in the bar while the act is on is up to you, there isn’t a seperate price just for the meal it’s for the whole package.

So I know who has voted for either 29 Nov or 13 Dec, and a rough idea as to who has voted, this is latest. Please cut and paste if have voted and name not here or have just voted, thanks

29th Nov

  1. Dan

13th Dec

  1. Davet
  2. Stevie & Tracie
  3. Craig
  4. Neil & Sam
  5. Andy (Beanus)
  6. Malcolm & Bianca

29th Nov

  1. Dan

13th Dec

  1. Davet
  2. Stevie & Tracie
  3. Craig
  4. Neil & Sam
  5. Andy (Beanus)
  6. Malcolm & Bianca
  7. Ali (not yet confirmed)

29th Nov

  1. Dan
  2. Steven

13th Dec

  1. Davet
  2. Stevie & Tracie
  3. Craig
  4. Neil & Sam
  5. Andy (Beanus)
  6. Malcolm & Bianca
  7. Ali (not yet confirmed)

Am going to make a cut off date for the Xmas do as if leave it any longer will not be having one.

The cut off date to put names down will be Fri 31 October…

I think you might be best starting a new thread with the definite date/prices BOOK NOW kind of thing Dave, as this was a Poll and peeps might not realise a date has been set, or won’t re-visit this Poll.

Just a thought mind.


Hey this may be a daft question but it’ll be my first xmas do & not sure how it works…Dave when we confirm do we just pay you & you biok everything or do we book ourselves?

[quote]I think you might be best starting a new thread with the definite date/prices BOOK NOW kind of thing Dave, as this was a Poll and peeps might realise a date has been set, or won’t re-visit this Poll.

Just a thought mind.


Thanks Tracie will do.

Hi Ali,

No question is ever a daft one…I will be calling the Hilton in the next couple of days to let them know how many we have coming to the do. Think the best way would be for members to contact the hotel and book your room and meal. Once have spoken to them I will put the Hotel’s phone number and who to contact up, so can book.

Well. I am definitely attending this one, so count me in!


[quote]Well. I am definitely attending this one, so count me in!


Have added you to the list Dion

Cheers Dave :slight_smile:

There is a new thread opened named Xmas do attending, just add your name to list if still wanting to attend. The do will be in the club shop to book your meal and room (if required).