Xmas 'Do' Pics

Here you go…

Tracie :smiley:

Looks like you all had a great time :smiley:

Could you put some names up too as I only recognise half the people. Also, why is Steve fully clothed in them all? :lol: :lol:

Thanks for posting them Tracie… it’s nice to see some faces of who you talk to in the forum :wink:

Your Welcome Alan, wish you could make it one day, would be lovely to see you again sometime.


Nice pic’s Tracie was a very good do…

[quote]Your Welcome Alan, wish you could make it one day, would be lovely to see you again sometime.


Thanks for the warm comment Tracie… I don’t get many of those these days and would be nice
to see both you and Steve again :slight_smile:

Looks like this was a great event yet again. Nice to have a ganny at the photos.
