Yorkshire Meet

Anyone up for a meet in the Yorkshire area, probably the last one we’ll be able to squeeze in this year.

Same place as the last one as we had a pretty good turn out with 8 cars.

Saturday 20th October, The Ferry Boat Inn, Howden (DN14 7ED) say 1pm start as I’m working the night before.

Darren :smiley:

Myself & Diane should be able to make it, but will confirm nearer the time, don`t want you sat there with the only Silver car do we :wink:


Hopefully can get to this one! :smiley:

Unfortunatly I can’t make this one. Am in Florida…rather be at Ferry Boat…not. Hope to see you all at the next one…Cheers Mikew

Hi martin here I will be able to make it, I was at the last one thanks to steve kay. New to site sent off my membership in july still not heard anything so regestered as I have forgot what I put on form

Hi Martin,

Nice to have met you at the meet.


Thanks Vicky are you coming to this one?

Don’t think so Martin, I haven’t got anyone to go with.

I should be able to make this one, will confirm nearer the date.


If you’d be coming across the humber bridge I could meet you there and we could 2 car convoy the rest of the way.


Tornado’s, Hurricanes and Storms permitting…I would like to get to this one! :roll: :lol: :wink:


i’ll try and make this one

Well I might make this one again, as Jimmy wants to go again, so if im not working then we will probably make it.

So it will be nice to see you all again.


I won’t be at this one, think last month was a one off :slight_smile:

A little out of my way, and this one falls on my 10th wedding anniversary, think I better attend that instead :slight_smile:


A wise decision Mark :lol:


[quote]I won’t be at this one, think last month was a one off :slight_smile:

A little out of my way, and this one falls on my 10th wedding anniversary, think I better attend that instead :slight_smile:


If you bring your wife we could all attend your 10th wedding anniversary!

Hi Guys,

I wont be going now, as Jimmy has dropped out and i dont fancy going on my own :frowning: , hopefully see you all soon.
