Yorkshire Meet

Thought it best that we have a poll on the Yorkshire meets.

The location is ok if not a little far east and the food is great, the staff have no issues with us making their car park an atttraction for the day either :wink:

I was thinking of maybe polling the date for the first or last weekend of every month. The schedule might be a little tight during the show season so how about every other month.? Ive

Let me know what you think.

**Next meet is Sat 3rd May. - 12:30 PM Onwards **

Ferryboat in - Howden
Junction 37 M 62, Take the A614 towards Howden from the junction and continue on past the petrol station on your right for approx 1/2 mile.

The Ferryboat is on the next bend on the left hand side of the road.


We were having them every month right up until November last year IIRC.

Should be able to make this one, as long as it’s not to much of an early start as I work nights.


I should be able to make it.
How about making it like a Northern meet, where anyone can attend?
We will make them wear flat caps and force black pudding down 'em tho :twisted:


[quote]I should be able to make it.
How about making it like a Northern meet, where anyone can attend?
We will make them wear flat caps and force black pudding down 'em tho :twisted:

Anyone…can attend!:slight_smile: ther’s no speration at all imo :slight_smile:

Any time of the month is fine by me 8) Should think we will be there.


Ok Robbie, I think I may be able to make it on May 3rd.
Was you driving through Barnsley town centre today? About lunch time? I was working on the traffic lights when I was sure theat you passe me.

[quote]Ok Robbie, I think I may be able to make it on May 3rd.
Was you driving through Barnsley town centre today? About lunch time? I was working on the traffic lights when I was sure theat you passe me.[/quote]

It was probably me you seen driving through Barnsley as i was out in one then and i think i am the only person with a black one around here.

I am going to try to get to the meet as long as all goes well but i have a kit car show at Stoneleigh, near Coventry that i need to go to Sunday/Monday. If you have never been to a kit car show it is probably worth going as you get some right motors there.


Might be able to get to this one, will be bringing the little one thou :smiley:

any weekend is fine with me, provided ‘er indoors’ hasn’t arranged something for me to do!!!

Yep, should be OK for this one…but can I make a minor obs from my own timing issues and Darren’s earlier remark with regards to his work commitments. Could we make it a little later…possibly 1:00pm? Historically I’ve noticed people seldom hit the 12:30 start and tend to drift in between 1:00-2:00pm?

If we say a little later it may avoid anyone sitting around on their own for 30-60mins.

Just my two penneth? :wink:


Again I should be able to make this one. Lets keep this going every month also looking forward to the jap meet at sherburn

well I was going to try and make this one, but I am now working, so thats peeved me off :frowning:

I won’t bother saying I will make the next one cause I think all my weekends are gone now, and will probably have to work them all.

I hate working :cry:

I will try though.


Just wondering why this is not on the calender??

Are you turning up Martin, I have a jack for you in the boot of my car & am sick of it sliding around :smiley:


Yes I will be going Julian

Not a bad turnout at all, even more new faces to remember, including a guy that is based in Barnsley who is into mending GTO/3000GTs, roll on the next one, forgot to take my camera, anyone take any piccies.


snap, I forgot mine…again :roll:

Sorry I missed it guys, I got called into work :x

Ok Julian, sorry I couldn’t make this one. Was all set to come but my little lad became really poorly and we had to take him to the emergency doctor. He’s a bit better now though. I’ll organise another meet for beginning of June. Hope to see you all there. Cheers