Yorkshire Modified Car Show - Sunday 8th June 2008

Hey guys,

Went to a motorshow awhile back as was pretty good for a local event.

Anyway it was the Yorkshire Modified Car Show in Pickering, North Yorkshire.

I saw Dave Nixon there a few years ago (before i had a 3000GT)

Was wondering if anyone was going to go, if we get enough people maybe get a club stand, what you guys n gals think?

I’ve added a poll to see if we can get a good number for a club stand.

You can book in advanced also

Individual Form

Club Entry Form

Heres some pics from prevous years

Went last year, it wasn’t too bad, will more than likely be there this year. They also had Russ Swift there doing 2 wheel driving in a mini cooper.


i may make this but not till after 12 lol

You showing your car or just visiting?

cos if your showing they won’t let you in after 9.

I’ll be there if the weather is good (fingers crossed)

thats why i wont be showing it, i only get 2 weekends a month off work and i like to make the most of saturday nights, i wont be able to legally drive till around noon.

ok mate,

hope to see you there anyway.

i will be there lads keep an eye out for me, cant say is that good a show mind, just local for me

Well I saw Mark’s car at the show - though unfortunately didn’t get to meet you - don’t know if you were hanging around the car or had gone for a walk around the show. Your car looked very nice mate - I went in my GTO but had to Park with all the other show visitors :frowning: Next year I think we should get a club stand and as many people to show their GTO’s as possible as the show itself was a bit lacking I thought - seemed to be less exhibitors there this year.


[quote]Well I saw Mark’s car at the show - though unfortunately didn’t get to meet you - don’t know if you were hanging around the car or had gone for a walk around the show. Your car looked very nice mate - I went in my GTO but had to Park with all the other show visitors :frowning: Next year I think we should get a club stand and as many people to show their GTO’s as possible as the show itself was a bit lacking I thought - seemed to be less exhibitors there this year.


I kept having a look around and poping back. I was mostly sitting behind the car near the trees, I noticed when the owners sit close to there cars people just dont look.

I thought people would just look and walk off, but can’t believe how many poeple stopped and looked for quite a bit and looked intrested. :o

It was funny watching people looking at that Ferrari Replica, woundering if it was real of not.

Did you see that stupid idiot in that sierra cosworth flooring it and braking in the que for the time trail thing. he should of been kicked off the site. He could of hit another car or even blinded someone with all the stones flying up. also he was drinking while doing this.

heres some pics lad, didnt take many.

I didn’t see the ‘idiot’ but would agree, that sounds stupid!

Well done with the pics - saw most of these and probably thought the orange skyline you got a picture of was my favourite car of the day - don’t know what it is, but the orange thing is growing on me at the minute - I’ve got no plans to change my GTO to that colour though, but might get a carbon bonnet at some point…nah sod that, more power mods 1st - yeeehaaa!