20th year birthday party 2-4 July at Billing * UPDATED

Hi all,

The event will be held on the 2-4th July at Billing aquadrome, http://www.billingaquadrome.com/

We havent got very long to arrange this, so any help would be greatful to make this as good as pobbile for everyone.

**I have now confirmed the price, it is £20 per night based on up to 4 people camping (in 1 tent) and 1 car, if you wish to visit for the day and not stay over it is £10 per car. **We only have two weeks to get Payments sorted so details will follow shortly and plans/food arrangements for the day to follow:

*There is a hotel on the edge of the site for anyone who wants to stay and dont fancy camping.

Could please add your name if you would like to attend:
The following have paid[/size]

Mike Glanfield 1 x 20th Birthday Bash - Day Pass
Julian 1 x 20th Birthday Bash - Day Pass
Dodgemonkey 1 x 20th Birthday Bash - Day Pass
A Cox 1 x 20th Birthday Bash - Day Pass
Boo 2 x 20th Birthday Bash - Sleep over
Dion 1 x 20th Birthday Bash - Sleep over
Stevie 1 x 20th Birthday Bash - Sleep over
Gaz Fraser 1 x 20th Birthday Bash - Sleep over
Mark Saunders 1 x 20th Birthday Bash - Sleep over
Craig 1 x 20th Birthday Bash - Sleep over

Hi, put us down for this. :smiley:
I take it is £20 a head each night ?

           Shaun & Gill

Definitely 8) is it Friday and Saturday night stop over or just Saturday ?

Craig + 0

Craig :slight_smile:

It’s both nights Fri and Sat, and it is £20 per night based on up to four people in a tent and one car. (so for two people, in a tent and a car is still £20).

As stated I need to get this price agreed early next week,


me n tani will be doing this :smiley:

god damm!!! i am on holiday on the 3rd!!! sorry guys you will have to have fun without me!!!


**Count Annette and I in :lol: **

Just had a word with the BOSS and her indoors says yes :smiley:

If I can get a lift down there and have enough room for my tent (sorry mansion) I’m sure I can put someone up in the west wing :wink: :lol:

So can you please put me down 2 (myself and Billy).

To make this easy to follow please just copy and paste the list below and add your name to the bottom :wink:

  1. Nas + 1
  2. Shaun + 1
  3. CDMH + 0
  4. Boo + 1
  5. Lord Snoot + 1
  6. Smudge + 1

*Updated please read at the top, only a couple of weeks to get this sorted. More people must be interested in coming along. If have shown interest on the other link regarding this event and you would like to come along, could you still add you name to the list above.

Also what would you like for food, we can have a bbq through the club for a small amount of money and some helpers or eat on site from one of the takeaways or even eat in one of the restaurants, please let me know your thoughts.

Many thanks,

Sorry Neil, I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to make it after all. I’ll know more by the weekend but can’t say for sure until then. Sounds like it could be a good crack though.


as this is the weekend before modified madness,


you may find that the people who have signed up for that will find 2 shows in 2 weekends a bit much.

Why may I ask???
Most of those signed up already are already doing Supercar Sunday the weekend before :roll:

because some people work weekends and may not be able to get each weekend off.

Unfortunately I did not have much of a choice on the dates, I really would have liked more than four weeks to plan my first meet. The problem is if you want a summer meet it will clash within a week of some event somewhere. The only other choice I had clashed with JAE, which would have been a mad idea.

Sorry for anyone who cant make it, but for anyone who can make the effort it would great to see you there.

  1. Nas + 1
  2. Shaun + 1
  3. CDMH + 0
  4. Boo + 1
  5. Lord Snoot + 1
  6. Smudge + 1
    7)GTnewbie + 0
  1. Nas + 1
  2. Shaun + 1
  3. CDMH + 0
  4. Boo + 1
  5. Lord Snoot + 1
  6. Smudge + 1
    7)GTnewbie + 0
    8)GTO Scott + 0
  1. Nas + 1
  2. Shaun + 1
  3. CDMH + 0
  4. Boo + 1
  5. Lord Snoot + 1
  6. Smudge + 1
    7)GTnewbie + 0
    8)GTO Scott + 0
  7. Stevie & Tracie

Well done Neil for getting this off the ground :wink:

Well done Neil.

Looks like a laugh. Zippy & I will attend, but only for the Saturday and leave on the Sunday. (No one to look after the babies)


  1. Nas + 1
  2. Shaun + 1
  3. CDMH + 0
  4. Boo + 1
  5. Lord Snoot + 1
  6. Smudge + 1
    7)GTnewbie + 0
    8)GTO Scott + 0
  7. Stevie & Tracie
  8. Dejay & Lel

Count me in. Billing is a peach of a place. Let’s hope the weather does it justice.
Will be there for the Saturday, but can’t make Sunday.

Well done NAS.
